Additional Resources
Books About Modjeska and Nineteenth-Century Theatre
“Starring Madame Modjeska: On Tour in Poland and America“
by Beth Holmgren (November 10, 2011)
“Memories and Impressions” – Helena Modjeska
“Fair Rosalind—The American Career of Helena Modjeska” – Marion Moore Coleman
“Wanderers Twain” – Marion Moore Coleman
“Footlights and Spotlights” – Otis Skinner
“Behind the Scenes With Edwin Booth” – Katharine Goodale
“Memories” – Ethel Barrymore
“Life on the Modjeska Ranch in the Gay Nineties” – Theodore Payne
“Helena Modrzejewska (1840-1909) For the Love of Art” – published by Muzeum
Historyczne Miasta Krakowa, 2009
“What I Received from God and from People—A Story of Helena Modjeska” – Joanna
Sokolowska-Gwizdka, published 2009
Documentary Film
“Modjeska—Woman Triumphant” – Basia Myszynski, director Leonard
Myszynski, cinematographer, 2009. Order DVD from this Website:
Television Video
“California’s Gold” – A Visit to Arden, with Huell Howser.
Associated Organizations
Theodore Payne Foundation -- Click here > www.TheodorePayne.Org
The most famous early (pre-1900) botanist of native California plants was a British expatriate named Theodore Payne. His deep interest in California native plants began when he worked at Arden as Helena's chief gardener in the 1890's. Near the end of his life in the 1960's he wrote a memoir about his days at Arden. This is the book to read to transport you back to that era. The title of the book is "Life on the Modjeska Ranch in the Gay Nineties" (1962). It is now considered the best account of daily life on the ranch.
The same botanist created some of the most famous public gardens in Southern California, such as Descanso Gardens, Exposition Park, the native plant garden at Cal-Tech, and the Santa Barbara Botanical Gardens.
The foundation in his name is dedicated to education about California native plants. The Theodore Payne Foundation (TPF) official Nursery and Headquarters sells both plants and seeds so you can plant your own garden of native California plants. The grounds and demonstration gardens at TPF are another great free place to visit if you are up near Sun Valley (adjacent to San Fernando Valley) California.
For the web site and directions to the TPF Nursery and Gardens CLICK HERE